Category Archives: Analysis

Action Audit: Revenue Is Not Profit

Every time we see the hyper connected, online, games community discuss the very unfortunate event of layoffs, I’m reminded of a very real problem when it comes to gaming discussion: Revenue is not profit, and people often confuse the two financial metrics because they don’t know what they actually mean. “How can we have layoffs… Read More »

Action Audit: Looking Back on Battlefield V and the End of New Content

EA & DICE have announced the effective end of new content for Battlefield V. The last content update comes in June of 2020, with all follow-up updates being strictly focused on support & community games. This means that after approximately two years of content updates, BFV will move into “support mode”, reducing the overall financial… Read More »

Our Take: Industry Insights – EA Responds to Investors Q3 FY2020

We are pleased to announce our third audio/visual experience is up on our partner YouTube channel – RallyCarDelta Gaming. In this edition of Industry Insights, we examine EA executive responses to investors during their Q3 FY2020 investor call. It clocks in around twenty minutes and we cover everything from Apex Legends to monetization strategies. Why… Read More »

Games Industry and General Business Misconceptions

Games industry discussion, especially on the large social forums such as Reddit and Twitter, is often boisterous, with competing opinions and thoughts. This is especially true when it comes to some of the more business-oriented subjects, such as development costs or how a publicly traded company operates. Unfortunately, much of that discussion is baked in… Read More »