Category: Games
Family & Kid Friendly Gaming
A large portion of my friends and acquaintances have children that are getting into the world of video games. Once or twice a month I receive a call or text that goes something like this: “Should I buy a PS4 or an Xbox? What games are good for kids? What games can I play with…
I might be potato league, but today I made a save…
Here at GO30, we love Rocket League. It hits all the right efficient gaming notes: easy to pick up, fun to play, and great with friends. There are a lot of good players out there that can do some amazing things. Reddit is full of videos & gifs of people sky dribbling, wall jumping, and…
Nintendo’s Market Strategy and the Problem with the Switch
[Update 5/14/2018: Whatever the reason may be, this is one of the website’s most popular articles. Knowing that, I want to clarify a couple things in this article. Like most people analyzing the Nintendo Switch, I believed the “jack of all trades” strategy was likely a recipe for underwhelming sales. I can certainly admit that…
Efficient Gaming #2
Start-and-Stop Gaming Life causes interruptions, which is partly the foundation of this site for grownup gamers who still want to game. Following up on Joe Threezero’s Efficient Gaming #1, I’d like to add some games that are ideal for a life that interrupts – games you can easily pause, save, or outright close without losing your progress or enjoyment.…
Efficient Gaming #1
I have two to three hours each night to game. What are my options? Welcome to the first edition of Efficient Gaming. Each edition will feature a selection of games (mostly from recent or near recent release dates) that feature gameplay design or features that make sure you get the maximum gaming experience even if you don’t have…
The Nintendo Switch reveal was awkward and confusing
Nintendo. Nintendo. Nintendo. As much as you change, you stay the same. I watched the official Nintendo Switch reveal that Nintendo broadcast and all I can say is “I have no idea what Nintendo is doing and I don’t think they do either.” (If you want to watch it for yourself before reading the rest…