Tag: playstation
Action Audit: What happened to the “exclusive” game?
In previous eras (1980s, 1990s, early 2000s), hardware differentiation and game exclusivity were part of the same equation. Why? While costs today have risen due to inflated content expectations and modern salary requirements, previous eras saw much of their cost driven by the need to develop for different hardware scenarios. If a studio wanted to…
An Interview with the CEO of Whitethorn Games – Part 1: Our Fair City
Editor’s Note: This is part one of a two part series. We spend over two hours talking about the games industry, the role of publishing, and challenges with certain platforms. The first part of the series (this article) is focused on the experience of founding a tech company in a small city, and the general…
Efficient Gaming #6 (Grab Bag)
It’s finally time for another edition of Efficient Gaming. The efficient gaming list highlights video games that should be rewarding for those that don’t have a lot of spare time to game. We usually showcase games that are fairly modern and feature design elements that are compatible with short gaming sessions. This time around, we’re taking…