Category: Analysis
The Battleroyale Market – Why LawBreakers Failed and Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds is Thriving – Part One
PUBG is now 38.3% of all internet traffic. The rest is cat videos…and porn. This is part one in a three part series that explains why games like Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds and Fortnite have exploded in popularity while other, seemingly well constructed games, died off before they even made a splash. Playerunknown’s Battleground (PUBG) is a…
Our Take: There Is Nothing Inherently Wrong with EA’s EOMM System
EOMM matchmaking gives players an expected win every once in a while. The horror! If you’ve been around any video game forums or YouTube the past couple of days, you might have run across YongYea and Jim Sterling talking about EA’s EOMM system. If you want to catch up on the original story, you can…
Interview With A Game Developer
We talk about a lot of different things on GO30. It’s time to let someone else do the talking. A few months ago I set out with a goal to interview a video game developer. After several discussions, drafts, and emails, I bring you the completed work. I have the pleasure of introducing you to…
Our Take: EA/DICE Battlefront II AMA on Reddit
This is a quick reaction to the “Star Wars Battlefront II AMA” by EA/DICE on the Battlefront subreddit. It is, by its nature, a short take on recent events. My view/opinion on said events may evolve over time and will likely not be fully reflected here. [Update 11/16/2017: The GM of DICE has announced that…
Our Take: EA Q2 FY 2018 Results
A minor loss now means printing money later. The EA Q2 FY 2018 results came out yesterday and as we predicted, EA continues to make positive gains in every financial category that matters. In this “Our Take”, I will pull out the highlights and talk about their impact on the current market. Baseline Financials Summary…
Our Take: EA Dissolves Visceral Games [Updated]
Update 10/27/2017 – Our analysis was correct. As reported by Jason Schreier at Kotaku, EA closed Visceral Games because the Star Wars game was completely off track and the studio was too costly to keep open. Original Article: Before I continue let me be very clear about this next point: I don’t want to see…
Efficient Gaming: Blizzard Games
Blizzard plays the hits again, and again, and again. Starcraft 2 came out on July 27, 2010 and I am still logging 2-6 hours in game per week. That was seven years ago. Seven years ago I had just met my future wife. Seven years ago the Xbox 360 and PS3 were in full swing.…
LawBreakers has fallen into the abyss between markets
LawBreakers is a tiny slice of an already small pie. This is going to be a short one because there isn’t a lot to say. Unfortunately, for what is probably a great group of developers, LawBreakers is falling very short of expectations. Not every game on the market needs to be the next Overwatch or Counter-Strike,…
Dear Microsoft, The Xbox is an x86 PC (stop pretending it’s not)
Microsoft’s Ken Lobb (think Goldeneye) did an interview with Game Informer (linked from Gamespot) and danced around the fact that the Xbox family of consoles are small form x86 computers (thus they are going to upgrade them like a standard PC instead of releasing an entirely new device). Here is what he said: “What’s new is…