Category: Efficient Gaming
Introducing – Concise Game Reviews
I’ve always wanted to try my hand at game reviews. If you follow this site, you know that I have used this domain to write out reviews in different formats (short, medium, long), but certainly text-based. While I’ve enjoyed writing those reviews, it always felt like I could serve my time better (and yours) by…
Our Take: The Best Games We Played In 2020
The year 2020 will long be remembered as a tumultuous year. As a global pandemic raged on, social unrest and the United States political system brought even more news to the table. Regardless, the video game industry marched on, realizing record revenues (partially thanks to stay-at-home orders) and ushering in a new generation of hardware…
Efficient Gaming #7 (Working From Home)
This chapter in Efficient Gaming comes at a time when many people around the world have had to adapt their lives to the threat of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Like many around the world, I am working-from-home in order to do my part in social distancing. I am, for the most part, an information worker. I am…
Efficient Gaming #6 (Grab Bag)
It’s finally time for another edition of Efficient Gaming. The efficient gaming list highlights video games that should be rewarding for those that don’t have a lot of spare time to game. We usually showcase games that are fairly modern and feature design elements that are compatible with short gaming sessions. This time around, we’re taking…
Action Audit: Dirt Rally 2.0 (Updated)
Welcome to Action Audit! We wanted a feature of the site to be something quick and convenient to read. Our goal with Action Audit is to give you something to consume in five minutes or less. It will generally consist of game reviews but may occasionally spin off into other topics, such as industry news &…
Efficient Gaming #5 (Indie Edition)
It’s finally time for another edition of Efficient Gaming. The efficient gaming list highlights video games (on most platforms) that should be rewarding for those that don’t have a lot of spare time to game. We usually showcase games that are fairly modern and feature design elements that are compatible with short gaming sessions. This time…
Efficient Gaming #4 (Open World Edition)
It’s time for the last efficient gaming update of 2017. This series won’t end in 2018. We will be closing this “volume” and starting a new list in in the new year. The current (2017) roster of games will be rolled into one easily accessible link on the Efficient Gaming page. In case you haven’t…
Efficient Gaming #3
It’s time for another efficient gaming short list. We got away from this series while we covered other topics but it’s time for an update. As always, we highlight games that offer a lot of value in comparison to time invested. If you only have a few hours to game each day, these games offer a…
Efficient Gaming: Blizzard Games
Blizzard plays the hits again, and again, and again. Starcraft 2 came out on July 27, 2010 and I am still logging 2-6 hours in game per week. That was seven years ago. Seven years ago I had just met my future wife. Seven years ago the Xbox 360 and PS3 were in full swing.…
Efficient Gaming Spotlight: Everspace
Space is big. Everspace is right-sized. I don’t like “roguelikes”. I’ve never been able to get into the start-over game loop that has seemingly taken over a large portion of indie development. Call me cynical, but I’ve always felt that style of game was low effort and overly punishing (the developer ran out of ideas…