Category: Site News
Introducing – Concise Game Reviews
I’ve always wanted to try my hand at game reviews. If you follow this site, you know that I have used this domain to write out reviews in different formats (short, medium, long), but certainly text-based. While I’ve enjoyed writing those reviews, it always felt like I could serve my time better (and yours) by…
Our Take: Industry Insights – EA Responds to Investors Q3 FY2020
We are pleased to announce our third audio/visual experience is up on our partner YouTube channel – RallyCarDelta Gaming. In this edition of Industry Insights, we examine EA executive responses to investors during their Q3 FY2020 investor call. It clocks in around twenty minutes and we cover everything from Apex Legends to monetization strategies. Why…
Our Take: Industry Insights – EA CEO Interview with GameDaily
We are very excited to announce our first audio/visual experience is now up on our partner YouTube channel – RallyCarDelta Gaming. RCD Gaming is JoeThreeZero’s partner YT channel and will contain a specific subset of our analysis: Industry Insights. After reviewing several ideas we decided to run an in-depth analysis of the Andrew Wilson interview…
The Scope/Complexity Vision Matrix of Software Development
I’ve spent much of my professional life in project management, particularly in IT. I’ve seen projects run the full spectrum of success & failure, from perfect execution & delivery through complete disaster. It’s important to remember that most projects, particularly software and games, usually don’t hit the extreme ends of the spectrum. It’s a simple…
It’s official now, we have Twitter
Since the rest of the planet (and likely the cosmos) uses Twitter, we figure it’s time to get with the program. Tweet us @GameOverThirty Now we can go on with our lives having fulfilled all of Maslow’s hierarchy.